Welcome to the New Guard of Real Estate Coaches.
It all started with this crazy notion that you can be happy and run a business. It might even be fun.
Most people get into real estate for the freedom. Instead, they quickly find themselves beholden to everyone. They give up a 9 to 5 for a 24/7 and realize they officially have the worst boss in the world...themselves.
It's no wonder that the National Association of Realtors reported that 88% of all agents leave the business within five years. If a company had that turnover we would absolutely blame company culture, training, hiring practices, etc.; in real estate, they tend to put the blame on the agent.
A bird's eye view is so helpful for these situations. For example, I can tell you that real estate training and coaching has changed very little in the last 30 years. Yet technology, leverage, and relationship dynamics have.
So how do you have a thriving business that keeps you engaged and happy?
How do you support and lift up an increasingly diverse population with unique challenges?
How do you take a vacation without guilt?
How do you have success without worshipping at the cult of production?
Let me fill in the gap.